

An old wig with a broken heart falls madly in love with its new owner.

Directed by: Susanna della Sala

Produced by: Raffaella Pontarelli

Written by: Susanna della Sala ; Martina De Matteo

Cast:  Iana Dobroliubova
           Armando Iovino

Country: Italy

Year: 2024

Type: Short

Length: 17′

Language: Italian

DOP: Andrea Josè Di Pasquale

Music: Paolo Casali

Editor: Susanna della Sala; Shervin Zinouzi

In collaboration with:56K Productions
with the support of : Regione Campania Film Commission FCRC

Iana is a 25-year-old girl from the East. She lost her hair as a child due to severe trauma and had to resort to a wig. Through the turbulent relationship between her and her new image, continually suspended between reality and fiction, Iana will take us into the dream world of her memories.. 

Director's biography

Susanna della Sala is a young Italian writer, director and artist. Starting out as a doodler in the marshlands of the Po Valley, she found in filmmaking her most sincere and highest vocation. She graduated in Interior Design and after gaining experience in experiential installations and video art, she specialized at the Italian national film school CSC.

She worked in several international productions like Wonder Woman (Warner Bros), Murder Mystery (Netflix), I Medici Masters of Florence (Netflix), Raffaello prince of arts (Sky HD) Overture of Something Never Ended for Gucci directed by Gus Van Sant. She wrote and directed the spot “BE” (finalist in the ARMANI lab contest 2018); the dramedy shortfilm “The Fish Doctor”; the dance film “Wasteplanet” (premiere Cinedans); the independent film “Neolovismo” together with Mike Bruce (premiere Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro; Best Film and Best Screenplay at Milan International Film Festival).

She’s now working on the feature documentary “Last Stop Before Chocolate Mountain” produced by DOCLAB. Susanna also works as an artist and had her first art show and installation at the Bombay Beach Biennale Art Festival, California in 2019.